We had 36 volunteers come to our studio to learn how to use basic tools to shape glass and how to arrange it into a pattern at no cost to them. I precut all the glass for the volunteers to work with and they each got to build a section of the mural with my help and guidance. In total there were 93 sections that made up the finished design.
In addition to the volunteers, Kyle and I got to create many of the sections of the project. Once all the pieces were ready, Kyle and I glued them on the the custom substrate Kyle built. Then we grouted and installed it into the steal frame and finally onto the building. Take a look our project photo album here: Community Mural Project
We also organized a successful Indiegogo Campaign to help us raise funds for the material cost for the mural. Check it out here: Help Us Beautify Our Town With a Community Mural To cover the remainder cost of materials, a grant from the Colorado Creative Industries was given to us by Jeff Owsley from Alamosa Small Business Development.