Enchanted Autumn Night for the Downtown Aspen Art Festival

Enchanted Autumn Night, acrylic on board, 47.5″”x47.5″ (framed), 2024 Available

See the Painting in the Online Shop: https://www.kasiapolkowskashop.com/product/enchanted-autumn-night-47-5-x-47-5-framed/

This painting is inspired by a clear Autumn night in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado where the aspen trees are turning a bright yellow and the milky-way is visible above. I am excited that this new painting will make its debut at the Downtown Aspen Art Festival later this month. See the poster below.

I didn’t have much of a chance to take process photos of the painting coming together. Below are a few I got got though.

And below are a few photos of the completed painting that expresses so much of what I love about living in Colorado, within reach of so many vistas like this, each one beyond my wildest imagination!